Your marketing activities bring you in touch with your audience, engaging and interacting with them on either
a physical or emotional level. Most of your potential customers will ultimately make their journey from your
brand touchpoints to your website, making an informed decision along the way on whether to engage with or
purchase from your brand, your business.

Marketing objectives
The objective and focus of your marketing should be to build brand awareness, target new customers, develop trust and loyalty, share knowledge and educate. Be active in these things and you will funnel your audience to your website ensuring quality leads and a higher conversion rate for your products or services.
So, you’re doing all these things, but how do you know if you are converting your audience to paying customers through your website?
I suppose if you’re taking transactions then that’s easy. But is it. What about those empty baskets that never made it to checkout, or checkouts that were never completed? How about general enquiries that seem to have no value at all other than time consuming questions from your audience?
Surely, as a business, you’d want to know more about these potential customers and improve the conversion rate, especially given that you’ve invested in marketing to get them there in the first place?
How to improve conversion rates – Arrange your consultation
A required investment
Websites are often overlooked when it comes to investing in the development of a startup or existing business. Staff, vehicles, operations, premises and even signage all come to the forefront of minds when business plans and budgets are being realised.
But why? Maybe because there are so many web companies out there offering low cost websites with little to no quality solutions that the perception of a great website has been diluted, or that a website has no real value in a quantifiable business investment.
Well, I’m sorry to say that this is completely wrong. A website for your business should be at the forefront of your plans when either starting or growing your business, it is an investment and should be viewed as an asset to your business.
Think of your website as an investment and not a cost.
A great website is a business tool, both lead generator and sales driver as well as a brand enforcer.
Great websites, bespoke websites that we design and develop, provide results that can be proven from the tracking and reporting systems that we put in place right at the beginning of a website and marketing project.
We can record and report every interaction on your website, assigning real values so that you know the true value of your business asset.
This high level of website design solution, ensures our websites are results driven business tools that generate leads, improve sales and increase revenue for our customers.
Discover more – Arrange your consultation
This is great but how do I get leads and sales from my website through marketing in the first place?
Well, everything that you do from a marketing perspective; relationship marketing, paid for promotion, content creation or even search engine optimisation are brand touchpoints that reach out to your audience drawing them back to your website for converting into customers.
Your marketing and website, products, services, competitors and target audience requires research, analysis and strategies put in place to create, design and develop the solutions that will in turn funnel your audience to convert as a customer.
That is pretty much the answer for how to generate leads and sales from your website through marketing.
Relationship marketing scenario:
Imagine you go to a networking event and make some good connections. You hand over a business card and maybe some brochures. After the event your contacts go home to sip some wine and mull over the day, then, arriving in the office early the next day to catch up on the previous days events they see your card or brochure and visit your website.
And then what?
What if, just what if, your website simply isn’t good enough.
Or, it’s a great looking website and has a fantastic user experience but it has no interaction tracking or reporting and so you will never know whether that connection you made ever visited your website.
Maybe that connection enquired about one of your services, and it turns out that it was a ‘hot enquiry’ because they ended up using your services.
The service you provided perhaps had a revenue value of £30,000 and that customer came about from marketing.
Now, imagine if your website was slow and badly designed and that customer, with whom you connected a day ago, landed on your website and immediately closed the page.
You would not have received that ‘hot enquiry’ nor a customer value of £30,000!
My point is, your website is your business tool that allows you to make informed decisions on which marketing channels are working for you, how many leads and sales you’re receiving through your website, and the value of those leads & sales.
A website is your lead and sales conversion point from which you can derive value, and rather than thinking of a website as a ‘look at me’ (cost) you should be thinking about it as a ‘my business needs this’ (investment) to ensure future and quantifiable growth.
If you as a brand and business get your website right from the beginning, then the marketing channels below will surely bring you success.

Marketing channels for generating leads
Improving sales and increasing revenue for your business:
- Website Content
- Search engine optimisation
- Promotion FREE and PAID*
- Relationship marketing
*By free I mean your time only, no third-party costs, your time however is of value.
Grow or kickstart your business
Would you like to know more about how 5and3 can help you grow or kickstart your business?
Spend an hour or two with us and we’ll show you how.
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