Follow these three SEO tips to drive more traffic to your website.
They could even land you on Google's front page!
1. Know your search terms
Most people use search engines to find a solution to a problem they have –
from finding a plumber to fix a leaky pipe to finding a designer who can meet
their logo and branding needs.The trick is to marry up the services you offer
with the search terms people use.You can find out what they are using with
Google's AdWords keyword tool.
2. Define your keywords and phrases
What you'll discover from the Google AdWords keyword tool is that it'll
return thousands of entries for particular key words and phrases, ranked
in order of popularity. While it's tempting to pepper your blog posts and
pages with the most popular terms, you'll get better results (and more
paying customers) if you pick out the keywords and phrases that most
closely match your offer.'Graphic design' is better than 'design', for
example, but 'Manchester graphic design' (if you're in Manchester, that
is) is even better.
3. Put your keywords and phrases to work
Once you've decided on the terms that you want to use, you need to work
them into your website's title tags, headings URLs and more. But avoid
stuffing blog posts with too many phrases – 10 per cent or less is best.
Improve your website's Google Rankings even more

Wayne Frisby / Website developer and SEO expert
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Twitter @Wayne5and3